Heathfield International School

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Hi. My name is Beam. I graduated from Heathfield in the year 2015 and decided to go abroad to the U.K. since I was offered a scholarship. I studied A-levels in St. Michael’s school and finished the course in late June 2017. Since I left high school, I’ve been travelling both in London and Wales to explore the area before coming back to Bangkok. I wish to continue studying in the U.K. (this means for university) and gain work experience there.
What I’ve realized since I left Heathfield is that there are opportunities everywhere and it comes anytime. Just expect the unexpected and you may end up in places you’ve never imagined. I chose Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths as my 5 AS subjects. This is the most common and recommended combination by teachers as it ultimately allows students to change their mind about their university courses they would wish to apply.
For A2 (second year into the course), I dropped chemistry and I advise students to only continue with 3-4 subjects, not more, because the level of difficulty is way higher than IGCSE and if you do so, some subjects may weigh you down. To sum up, it has been a great time studying abroad and if you have the opportunity, grasp it. Beam, former year 11